We kindly inform you that on:

01.05.2024 the company will be CLOSED

03.05.2024 the company will be CLOSED


pl en de ru cs es


Recondition of engine Liebherr D926 TI-E

We have reconditioned in our company engine of Liebherr D926 TI-E.

Recondition of this unit was started by replace following parts: main bearings, camshaft bearings, conrod's bearings and bushings, pistons with rings and cylinder liners. Fuel system got new injector nozzles.

We have also reconditioned: cylinder heads, fuel pump and water pump.

There was also checked for their proper efficiency following parts: oil pump and turbocharger.

At last motor got a complete engine seals and filter sets.

After engine assembly the unit was tested on our test bench for runing and proper work.

Kinga Gierat

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